How It Feels If You Are Dealing with Trauma?

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.” ~ Shah Rukh Khan When we hear the word trauma, we tend to think about military veterans, survivors of horrific accidents, and PTSD. Because of this, we might dismiss our experiences of trauma and try to ignore the pain we carry. We all respond to traumatic events differently, and two people can experience the same event and have very different perceptions, feelings, and reactions to it. Trauma can happen to anyone – and so many people are affected by it. Traumas can be caused through a single incident, such as a car accident, natural disaster, sexual assault, or invasive medical procedure. Traumas can also be developmental, created over years of neglect and/or abuse. Trauma symptoms present on a wide spectrum and can include eating and sleep issues, hyper-vigilance, disassociation, anxiety, depression, difficulties with concentration, and isolation to name a few. Following trauma, some individuals develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) characterized by experiencing flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and mood changes. Trauma therapy provides a chance to revisit the hurt in a safe, healthy manner. You get to explore and understand what happened and begin to set things straight again, all at your own pace. Your mind and body with the help of a trauma counselor in Los Angeles, get a chance to work through what happened, pick up the pieces, and prepare for the life ahead. You can learn better ways of coping with life’s stressors, develop new perspectives (about yourself and the trauma), and rebuild your sense of normalcy with trauma therapy services. Trauma therapy can help you:

• Accept your emotions and learn how to cope
• Reconnect with your body and be present
• Rebuild relationships and feelings of trust

• Learn relaxation techniques and improve sleep
• Manage flashbacks and nightmares
• Feel confident and self-aware
• Move forward from the past and grow

Trauma Therapy in Best Life Therapy

At Best Life Therapy, our trauma therapist in Los Angeles is dedicated to providing compassionate support and creating a safe healing environment for clients. Through virtual therapy sessions, we offer accessible therapy for trauma, helping individuals navigate difficult emotions and heal from painful experiences. Our goal is to equip you with practical tools that promote resilience and facilitate healthier relationships through our comprehensive services. We understand the importance of affordable therapy in Los Angeles, ensuring that our services are accessible to those seeking support in their journey toward emotional well-being and personal growth.

Take the first step towards managing your mental health today with our therapy services. Contact us to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life.

Attachment Wounds

A specific type of trauma, known as an “attachment wound”, can significantly contribute to anxiety, depression, and painful relationship patterns. Your child needs to fulfill attachment needs
to be met by you as a parent (or caregiver). It helps your child to mature into an emotionally healthy adult. Examples of attachment needs include the need to feel safe, secure, protected, and nurtured. There is a need to feel affection, loving connection, positive attention, acceptance, and support. When these essential qualities are missing from childhood it creates deficits, or gaps, in your emotional development.
Unfortunately, these unmet needs tend to carry over into adulthood and can result in present-day anxiety, depression, and relationship struggles. Examples of attachment wounds include:

● Feeling shunned, rejected, abandoned, or neglected by a parent (or important caregiver)
● Being invalidated by a parent, where emotional needs and personal experiences were minimized, overlooked belittled
● Having an unavailable parent, (e.g., distracted, ill, depressed, self-absorbed)
● Having a parent who puts their wants (e.g., alcohol, relationships, need for perfection, etc.) ahead of your needs
● Experiencing a general lack of support in childhood
● Having a parent who was enmeshed (thus blocking the development/expression of your sense of self)

Trauma therapy at Best Life Therapy can provide the opportunity to feel seen and heard in a way that an individual may not have experienced before, which makes the therapeutic process itself a component of healing. Our online therapy sessions are very convenient and you can be open with a mental health counselor. When our clients are committed to openness and vulnerability in the therapy room and their relationship, attachment injuries can be healed, changing the course of a relationship to create a new foundation of deep connection, fulfillment, and love.

Best Life Therapy

Why Chose Us

Are you wondering why people choose us for the best virtual therapy sessions? Here are some reasons that make us their primary choice for complete mental health counseling solutions.

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Our Mission

We aim to provide accessible, compassionate online mental health care that empowers individuals to achieve their best lives through personalized therapy and support.

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Our Vision

We strive to transform mental health care with innovative online solutions, making quality therapy universally accessible and fostering a healthier, more connected world.

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Who We Are

Best Life Therapy is one of the best online mental therapy providers in Los Angeles and across California. We offer top-grade and integrative mental health care for you.

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Get The Help You Need

You’re plugging away at your day-to-day life, managing responsibilities, and caring for others, but self-care has fallen to the bottom of the list. While life has its ups and downs, there should be balance, and the downs shouldn’t dominate your space or last too long. Seeking support through “therapy near me” or scheduling a “virtual therapy session” can help restore that balance and address these ongoing challenges. You can’t help but

  • Why does everything feel flat?
  • How much longer will I feel like this?
  • If I can just get over this one thing, I know I’ll feel better.
  • Can I overcome this on my own?
  • Why are my relationships in conflict?
  • I’m stuck

You want to feel a significant change, but it hasn’t happened yet. Feelings of disappointment and frustration bubble up. You justwant to feel better.

By connecting with one of our therapists in Los Angeles you can make your life better. At Best Life Therapy, we are an exceptional team of clinicians that provide online therapy, also known as virtual therapy or teletherapy, in California. So, if you are searching for the best “teletherapy in Los Angeles”, we can be your one-stop destination. We share a vision for a comprehensive and holistic approach to modern mental healthcare. Your therapy should feel collaborative….

Meet Our Therapists

When you’re ready to seek support in addressing your mental health it’s important to have confidence in your therapist in Los Angeles. At Best Life Therapy, we have highly qualified professional therapists for you to partner with. Our skilled and compassionate team is here for you to provide affordable therapy in Los Angeles.